12/08/2020 / By Arsenio Toledo
Detroit whistleblower Jessy Jacob was brought to tears on Wednesday, Dec. 2, during her testimony in front of the Michigan State Legislature as she talked about how she was intimidated and harassed while working as a ballot processor in Wayne County.
“They treated me like a criminal, humiliated me, harassed me. It was so bad,” said Jacob during her witness statement in front of the Michigan State Senate Oversight Committee, alongside Trump campaign lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis.
The committee called the public hearing after the state’s Board of Canvassers asked the legislature to investigate “issues that have arisen in this election and to hear public testimony.”
“We are fulfilling the board’s request by holding this hearing,” said Republican senator and committee chair Ed McBroom. “We have a responsibility as legislators to ensure trust in voting results.”
Listen to this special Situation Update episode of the Health Ranger Report, a podcast by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, as he talks about how Trump and the military may be preparing to launch a counteroffensive against the cyber warfare attack against America that helped the Democrats steal the election.
In her testimony, Jacob said election officials attempted to pressure her into backdating absentee ballots so that they may be counted. According to state law, mail-in ballots that were not received by 9 p.m. on Election Night could not be counted.
Jacob was told to enter that many absentee ballots were received on Nov. 2. Her refusal to participate in this illegal scheme led to her being marginalized by her co-workers.
Jacob first encountered problems when she began processing ballots. The first ballot she opened was invalid because it had been issued on Nov. 3, well after the deadline for issuing absentee ballots, which was at 4 p.m. on Nov. 2.
“It was issued, received, everything, on Nov. 3,” said Jacob. “Then I checked whether that voter is newly registered. No, he was not registered on Nov. 3. He was registered sometime in 2010, 10 years ago. You are not supposed to issue absentee ballots on Election Day to already-registered voters.”
She raised her concerns with her superiors, and found, to her dismay, that nobody in her area was rejecting ballots and following the proper processes.
“I couldn’t do anything,” said Jacob, who was by this point in her testimony visibly distraught and on the verge of tears. “Because when I am entering the ballot, I couldn’t lie about the date.”
Jacob was informed by another election worker that, to avoid scrutiny, staff were processing ballots throughout the night, as quickly as they could. All of this occurred at the TCF Center in downtown Detroit, where multiple concerns have been raised regarding the counting of mail-in ballots.
According to the state manual for ballot processing, once mail-in ballots were opened workers had to verify if they had the appropriate postage stamps and their signatures had to be verified and checked off against the polling book so that they can accurately record when the ballots were received. Jacob alleges that this process was not being followed.
“I really want to serve the city of Detroit, very truthfully and sincerely. That’s what I was doing all these 34 years I’ve been working with the city. My whole family, we’re proud that we’re – both me and my husband – both are working for the city of Detroit. I never expected this kind of treatment. It was really, really bad.”
It is unclear how many mail-in ballots were processed illegally at the TCF Center in Detroit.
Jacob first came out with her testimony early last month by signing an affidavit. Her testimony was then used as evidence in a lawsuit against the state led by conservative law firm the Great Lakes Justice Center. Unfortunately, her testimony was immediately called into question by mainstream media outlets.
“Why aren’t you worried about these irregularities?” said Ronna McDaniel, chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, who was scolding reporters for their undue skepticism of the signed affidavit.
“If you have an election worker told to backdate ballots, that is a problem. What we are seeing here,” she added, referencing the amount of scrutiny she and Jacob were receiving from the media, “is deeply alarming.”
When reporters were not satisfied, they pressed her for more evidence of voter fraud. McDaniel responded by saying that she had just gone through this with them. McDaniel pointed them to the fact that backdating ballots is an illegal act, and mail-in ballots that arrive after the cut-off date cannot be counted.
She added that it will take time to deliver evidence to a media environment that was reluctant to accept facts and unwilling to do their own investigations.
Still, the media outlets questioning her called her claims “conspiracy theories.”
“Listen,” said McDaniel, who was getting frustrated by this point, “how is it a conspiracy theory when a whistleblower in the city of Detroit is saying, ‘I was told by my supervisor to lie and to backdate ballots?’ This is somebody protected under the law. There’s no conspiracy there.” (Related: WHISTLEBLOWER: Up to 280,000 fraudulent ballots transferred from New York to Pennsylvania by Postal Service subcontractor.)
According to McDaniel, there have been thousands of incident reports of alleged irregularities in the ballot counting process from Wayne County alone.
The Michigan GOP has been busy tracking down the people who made the reports, interviewing them and getting them to sign affidavits with their testimonies.
“We should all be alarmed by this,” said McDaniel, “no matter where you are on the political spectrum… Even one instance of voter fraud should be too many for all of us.”
Learn more about the brave whistleblowers who have come out with testimonies of voting irregularities at VoteFraud.news.
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Tagged Under:
absentee ballots, backdated ballots, ballot fraud, conspiracy, corruption, detroit, election fraud, elections, harassment, intimidation, Jessy Jacob, mail-in ballots, Michigan, rigged, Ronna McDaniel, violence, vote fraud, voter fraud, wayne county, Whistleblower
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