08/07/2023 / By S.D. Wells
As Resident Biden’s mental and physical health declines rapidly, the Democrats are using the mass media complex to hide it the best they can, but their time is running out quickly. In fact, Resident Biden may not even be a viable candidate for POTUS in the next few months, as he so often forgets where he is, who he is, how to walk, how to keep his hands and nose off other people’s children, and how to avoid saying the “quiet part” out loud. This means Biden must be replaced, and soon, before he gets impeached, dies, or screws up on camera to the extent that it cannot be covered up by fake news.
Replacing C3PO-Biden will not be a difficult task, since he only serves as a puppet front-man for Obama, Soros, and the Chinese Communist Party. Any yes-man or yes-woman, or even yes-tranny will suffice as the new Puppet-in-Chief of the USA, but other key factors must be put into place, because the POTUS election, and many swing state elections for congressional seats will also be key for the CCP-Democrats to keep their stolen seats.
If World War III kicks into high gear, the Democrats will be able to postpone the elections indefinitely, claiming it’s not safe to go to the polling places (like they did with the Fauci Flu Plandemic).
If the electricity and internet are completely wiped out of service due to some electro-magnetic explosion in space, that wipes out the satellites or blocks their service for months or years on end, that would also keep the Democrats in control, during the complete mayhem, mass rioting, mass looting, and mass crime in all major cities (just the way they like it).
If the number one contender, Donald J. Trump, is sent to prison before the election, that may be enough to secure a new Puppet-in-Chief of the Democrat’s choosing. After all, the Democrats do NOT want the January 6’ers to be released from prison, as this is their main scare tactic to keep all conservative Americans from rebelling during future Democrat-controlled election fraud.
Currently, Fraudulent Fauci and Genocide Bill (Gates) are working very hard to fund a new pandemic, spread by lab leaks, chemtrails, mosquitoes, vaccines, or vax-patches (or all of the above). This will enable everyone who is on mandatory lockdown to vote from home and mail in their ballots, which will be mixed into boxes of falsified ballots from Communist China by the tens of millions, just like in 2020. Combine this with more flipping of thousands of votes in swing states by the Pelosi-funded Dominion voting machines, and you’ve got another stolen election brought to you by the insidious globalists, big pharma, and the military industrial complex.
#1. Biden will have a health catastrophe so they can run somebody else, like Gavin Newsom.
#2. Some massive “attack” will be staged or happen that resembles WWIII so the POTUS election can be indefinitely delayed.
#3. An EMP explosion or similar event will take down the internet and banking system before the election.
#4. Trump will be (unjustifiably) jailed and unable to run for President.
#5. There will be a NEW VIRUS or disease unleashed that’s even worse than Covid-19, so the Democrats can use tens of millions of fake mail-in ballots again (combined with the cheating machines).
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Tagged Under:
biden demented, biden forgets, biden replacement, c3poBiden, conspiracy, deception, deep state, fascism, left cult, Plandemic, scamdemic, Tyranny, War, World War III
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