News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
USDA using unreliable PCR testing to “depopulate” poultry farms, crippling the U.S. food supply
“Out of an abundance of caution,” the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been “depopulating” poultry farms whenever a hen tests positive for avian influenza. These government-enforced depopulation schemes target millions of egg-laying hens, decimating large flocks of harmless animals. The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development recently reported that a few birds […]
By Lance D Johnson
FDA just lost a historic ivermectin lawsuit — so when will FDA officials be arrested and charged with manslaughter for denying lifesaving treatments to Americans?
During the covid-19 scandal, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) routinely interfered in the doctor-patient relationship, withheld life-saving information and suppressed efficacious treatments for covid-19 and other respiratory illnesses. In misleading the public, the FDA placed pressure on medical boards and waged war against doctors who effectively treated their patients for covid-19. One of the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Experimental gene therapies and gain-of-function research is just the beginning of trans-human experiments
During the planning stages of COVID-19, several unethical experiments took place at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, (WIV), but some of these nefarious, transhumanist experiments are not getting the attention they deserve. The bat harvesting, the coronavirus gain-of-function research and the development of DNA surveillance testing programs and experimental gene therapies were just the beginning. […]
By Lance D Johnson
The toxic herbicide industry — guilty of causing cancer — is seeking LEGAL IMMUNITY across the United States
The toxic herbicide industry, which continues to blast out carcinogens like glyphosate and atrazine, is seeking legal immunity across the United States. In a last-ditch effort to ward off multi-billion-dollar legal challenges, companies like Bayer and Syngenta are approaching legislators across the country and pushing them to pass legislation that would give their companies legal […]
By Lance D Johnson
MHRA, Pfizer and UK officials accused of misconduct, fraud and gross negligent manslaughter in new criminal investigation
On March 8, 2024, a new criminal investigation was launched against Pfizer, MHRA and UK officials. The investigating officer, Mark Sexton of the Acton Police Station in London, has charged UK officials with misconduct in public office, misfeasance in public office, fraud by false representation, corporate manslaughter and gross negligent manslaughter. Officer Sexton is backed […]
By Lance D Johnson
Collusion coverup: Department of Justice intervenes in Pfizer fraud case, in a corrupt attempt to shut the case down
Story at a glance: (summary by “Neo” LLM via Brighteon.AI) – The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is attempting to shut down the Pfizer fraud case scheduled for April 17. – The lawsuit alleges that Pfizer-BioNTech violated the False Claims Act during their clinical trials and knowingly delivered a defective product to the world. […]
By Lance D Johnson
Climate change data is based on FRAUD, and scientists around the world are pushing back against the narrative
In an attempt to save the world from “climate change,” the United States government is spending trillions of dollars on multiple projects that rely on dishonest marketing tactics, money laundering schemes, insider trading and crony capitalism. At the root of the climate crisis hysteria is data FRAUD, and scientists around the world are pushing back […]
By Lance D Johnson
Green billionaires and climate activists pay off Hollywood writers to push climate doom propaganda in movies
A group of climate activists from Los Angeles, California are teaming up with climate billionaires to control Hollywood scripts and promote climate doom propaganda through movies and television. The climate activist group – which goes by the name “Good Energy” – is looking to partner with Hollywood writers to infuse climate change narratives into movie […]
By Lance D Johnson
Leading science journal publishes fictional “science” research that relied gibberish AI terms and an image of a rat with a giant penis
A leading scientific journal – Frontiers in Cell and Development Biology – recently published a paper that used fake scientific words and a picture of a rat with a giant penis. The paper cited Chinese researchers and used AI-generated content that claimed to show the “signaling pathway of sperm stem cells.” Most importantly, the paper […]
By Lance D Johnson
The man who profited from gain-of-function research went on to commandeer an authoritarian narrative and coordinate a censorship campaign to assist in the cover-up of SARS-CoV-2 origins
Before the coronavirus pandemic made its way to America, a band of 27 scientists appeared to have everything figured out concerning the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Their consensus was published in the Lancet on February 19, 2020. In the letter, the scientists agreed that COVID-19 was a natural virus that crossed over from wildlife […]
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