News & Articles By Mary Villareal
By Mary Villareal
Globalists promote synthetic meat as they try to stop people from growing their own food
Globalists are trying to stop people from growing their own food in an attempt to fully take over the food system, control their food intake and give them the sustenance they “need” to survive. They’re not doing it in a post-apocalyptic starve-the-masses kind of way. Instead, they’re filling people with synthetic food and ingredients, such […]
By Mary Villareal
Bilderberg Group constructs continuity of government emergency plans amid economic upheavals caused by globalist policies
The geopolitical pivot of Russia and China away from the West was the main focus of this year’s meeting of the Bilderberg Group, which ended June 5. But perhaps more riveting was the fact that it discussed a potential financial meltdown – specifically, how to ensure the continuity of the government amid economic upheavals. The Bilderberg Group, […]
By Mary Villareal
Bill Gates pushes lab-grown “human milk” amid infant formula shortages
Bill Gates is now pushing to stop breastfeeding and instead encourages feeding babies with BIOMILQ, which is a cell-cultured breast milk made in a lab, along with other types of fake food. There is nothing really miraculous about synthetic, lab-grown food alternatives: It cannot be compared to food that comes from nature in terms of […]
By Mary Villareal
Hillaryous: Hillary Clinton lawyer found not guilty of lying to the FBI by a jury that includes three Clinton donors
Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, Michael Sussmann, has been found not guilty of lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) after an 11-day trial. With only a few hours of deliberating, the jury found Sussmann not guilty of making a false statement to the FBI in September 2016, when he said that he was not working on […]
By Mary Villareal
Poll: 44% of Americans believe a CIVIL WAR is coming
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) poll showed that 44 percent of Americans believe that the United States is headed toward another civil war, which includes 53 percent of Republicans and 39 percent of Democrats. While this is a cause for concern, another poll showed that one in five individuals somewhat approve of assassinating politicians whom they […]
By Mary Villareal
Study finds monkeypox virus has been heavily manipulated in a lab
A new study from Portugal’s National Institute of Health found evidence that the virus responsible for the spread of monkeypox in Europe, North America and Australia has been heavily manipulated by scientists in a lab. Further evidence suggests that it was released intentionally. Monkeypox usually begins with a fever before developing a rash one to five […]
By Mary Villareal
Russia’s nuclear forces hold drill as Biden approves more military aid for Ukraine
Russia’s nuclear forces have launched fresh drills in the Ivanovo province just northeast of Moscow, with some 1,000 servicemen doing intense maneuvers using over a hundred vehicles – including Yars intercontinental ballistic missile launchers. Western media reports see the drill as a response and warning to Washington as U.S. President Joe Biden approved more military aid and weapons […]
By Mary Villareal
Scott McKay tells Bryan Ardis: Americans need to boycott goods produced by megacorporations
Scott McKay is an entrepreneur who has been involved in several start-up companies. In 1990, he ventured into the political arena and spent his time in various political assignments that included grunt work, campaigns, consultations and eventually as part of the Los Angeles GOP Committee. However, he became so disenchanted with the corruption in D.C. […]
By Mary Villareal
Dr. Robert Malone blasts mainstream media for spreading lies about monkeypox
For Dr. Robert Malone, the monkeypox scare is a classic example of “public health fear porn.” Malone said it’s not something that people should worry about. According to the mRNA inventor, media outlets should be reprimanded for broadcasting irresponsible propaganda and spreading misinformation and disinformation under the guise of journalism. Monkeypox, he said, is “readily […]
By Mary Villareal
Florida residents sentenced to 18 years in prison for $200 million baby formula scheme
Three Florida residents were sentenced to federal prison for their roles in a $200 million baby formula fraud scheme that began some nine years before the current shortages. Johnny Grobman, 48, Raoul Doekhie, 53, and Sherida Nabi, 57, were each sentenced to 18 years in prison with U.S. Court Judge Roy K. Altman also ordering […]
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