News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 SCAPEGOATS the LEFT blames as cover for all the mayhem they’re causing
The blame and hate game is in full effect in America, as the Biden Regime sinks the Republic faster than a glacier sinking the Titanic. Every problem created and perpetuated by the Obama and Biden autocracies has a scapegoat, or two, or three, just in case the brainwashed sheeple aren’t quite sure how to follow […]
By S.D. Wells
Banning TikTok because it’s a Chinese-owned “spy app” is about as dumb as banning Frosted Flakes if the Chinese owned it because they’re “bad for your health”
Ever heard the term “head fake?” In basketball, it is an act of moving the head in such a way as to deceive an opponent as to one’s intended direction or move. When speaking about a head fake in the stock market, it means a spike or drop in stock price or market performance that […]
By S.D. Wells
SELF-INFLICTED CELL DISORDER: The real reason 270 million Americans chose to make themselves “SIC”
Have you heard of self-inflicted Sheeple disease? Most likely not, because the CDC, WHO and the medical industrial complex keeps it quiet, like when the Holocaust started. The main difference between the Hitler gas-chamber Holocaust and the Covid Jab Holocaust is that people are voluntarily lining up for the slow fix, rolling up their own […]
By S.D. Wells
BIDENSURGENCY: Top 6 Ways to PREVENT the Democrats from STEALING the November POTUS election
The “New World Order” as George H.W. “Poppy” Bush put it, is in full effect right now, and these Satanists want the Republic of the United States to look like a God-forsaken Banana Republic as soon as possible. If you believe this is some kind of wild conspiracy theory, then you may want stop gulping […]
By S.D. Wells
Is a massive DEATH WAVE coming to the Covid VAXXED population? Top virologists and immunologists are predicting exactly that
It used to be that vaccine “hesitancy” and “skepticism” amounted from concerns about all the toxins used to manufacture them, including mercury, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate and genetically modified blood cells from aborted babies, monkeys and other animals. Now, those fears pale in comparison to the scientific proof that Covid-19 jabs are causing a tsunami of […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 strategies for spotting a STAGED EVENT within the first 72 hours
Whether they are vying for control of the populace, taking their guns away, scaring them into forfeiting more constitutional rights, relinquishing all medical freedoms or simply declaring a fake war for political purposes (laundering and embezzling billions of dollars), the U.S. government stops at nothing to plan, stage, carry out and propagandize “staged events.” Some […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 ways the FDA and CDC engaged in genocide of Americans during Covid-19 plandemic
When it comes to challenging the actual healing medicines used by natural health advocates, the brainwashed sheeple and their fake news always proclaim the same old, tired mantra “science.” The healthy folks, who are not taking a handful of prescription medications daily, are falsely labeled “conspiracy theorists.” Well, if there has ever been more PROOF […]
By S.D. Wells
The COMMUNIST INFILTRATION of America’s educational curriculum and children’s minds
Dial it back 50 years, or even 30, and no Americans would have suspected that the U.S. government would go “all in” for perverting school children’s minds, achieving hidden agendas, destroying the nuclear family and confusing kids about gender “identity.” Under communism, citizens, including children, are distracted, lose their identity, become culturally void, are not […]
By S.D. Wells
Biden Regime worked to DIVIDE THE NATION even more when he declared Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility”
Biden’s declaration of Easter Sunday being “Transgender Day of Visibility” is part of the massive scheme to divide the nation, continually pitting one group against another. Hitler did the same thing with the Jews and the German people. This does NOT help the transgender community rise to an equal status, but instead denigrates them and […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 illnesses that CONVENIENTLY DISAPPEARED during the “Covid-19” scamdemic
There was a major reason the Covid-19 PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test kits created millions of “false-positive” results that said everybody had the Fauci Flu. Whether you had a bacterial infection, a virus of any kind, or just a common head cold, you could count on the China Flu test kits to read “positive” for […]
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