News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
7 WARS are happening right now, and America is behind them all
Remember the “War on Terrorism?” What ever happened to that? Supposedly, a couple dozen years back, a bunch of illegal immigrants flew some planes into some tall buildings in New York City, except both buildings, constructed with 200,000 tons of steel, were reduced to rubble, demolition style, not to mention a third building half a […]
By S.D. Wells
GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP at an all time high: All acts of violence, even staged ones, are now used to take away your freedom to SPEAK
More censorship, the governments around the world declare, as if there is not already enough. Ever since the plandemic, most governments around the world have declared war on free speech and free press, trying their best to ban and limit truth talk about the fake wars, fake climate change, fake vaccines, open borders and fake […]
By S.D. Wells
MASS MEDIA BLACKOUT: Top 10 recent news stories MSM doesn’t want you to know about
Never in the history of the world have more people been lied to every day about their health and safety than right now, and it’s all thanks to the mass media, that has about three-quarters of the entire populace hypnotized, mesmerized and stupefied. Why do so many people believe the mass media stories are real? […]
By S.D. Wells
Spike Protein Syndrome STILL in FULL EFFECT 2 years later – yet most of the injected masses have no clue what’s happening to them
Not one single person injected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine can figure out what is happening to their body, brain, and overall functioning, and neither can their doctors. Millions of protein prions created by mRNA “technology” have invaded their vascular system, their cleansing organs, their reproductive organs, and their brains, and the symptoms of […]
By S.D. Wells
“The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government” – Dr. Marty Makary at House Select Subcommittee meeting
If you are an intelligent person, you should be very concerned about misinformation, especially when it comes to your health and safety. There has never been a bigger blight on human civilization than the misinformation blight that has taken place during the pandemic, and the saddest part is that the massive swath of misinformation, which […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 5 reasons ANY WAR is a GOOD WAR for the Democrats in Washington D.C.
Without mail-in ballots and serious machine-flipped votes, the Biden Regime is in deep trouble for the POTUS election coming next year, and Donald J. Trump will surely win. Without a new plandemic, Obama will not serve his fourth term from 2024 to 2028 (he’s the Biden puppet master right now). Without World War III beginning […]
By S.D. Wells
How many U.S. Congressmen are guilty of Epstein-style PEDO CRIMES? General Mike Flynn states there are many, and they are bent over a barrel by globalist actors
The term “suicided” became popular during the Clinton Crime Family reign in America, where dozens of associates and whistleblowers seemed to die by “suicide,” though the evidence and circumstances pointed to murder. The world also knows that the perverted freak named Jeffrey Epstein was connected to some very powerful people, including the Clintons. Was he […]
By S.D. Wells
FDA set to BAN MENTHOL cigarettes because it’s the “menthol” that makes it so hard for young people to quit smoking, so don’t worry about all the chemicals or the nicotine
Here comes a truth so hard to believe, millions of educated people are shaking their heads. The United States Food and Drug Administration has come out of their think tank with the ultimate solution to preventing youth from becoming addicted to commercial cigarettes – just ban menthol flavored ones, and that should take care of […]
By S.D. Wells
The SOROS EFFECT: The insidious “Merchant of Migrants” funds war and chaos around the world that sends millions of migrants straight to the USA
Business magnate and investor of “chaos” George Soros is what many would call the “head of the snake” when it comes to the money that backs chaos in countries all around the world, including the USA. At age 93 and worth nearly $10 billion dollars, Soros has the capacity, and uses it, to instigate and […]
By S.D. Wells
America is supporting Nazi-sympathizing Ukraine with BILLIONS while accusing Israel of “war crimes” for defending its nation against Hamas TERRORISM (opinion)
The military-industrial war machine hypocrisy is maddening to the helpless populace of America. The globalists and crooked Democrats in Washington, D.C. are printing money that just seems to disappear overseas by the trillions while inflation skyrockets at here at home. Our military weapons are severely depleted thanks to our support of the Nazi-sympathizing Ukraine, and […]
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