deadly vaccines
By S.D. Wells
The only immunity associated with vaccines is the ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY manufacturers have from getting sued for jabs maiming and killing those injected
Believe it or not, the most dangerous form of “medicine” in the world is the kind that’s injected directly into muscle tissue, bypassing the three main defense systems the body has against incoming pathogens. The human immune system is an amazing machine, and its first line of defense includes the skin, the digestive tract, and […]
By S.D. Wells
“VACCINES” REDEFINED: CDC had to change the definition of “vaccines” so that mRNA would not be discredited by its own description
The Trojan Horse of ‘vaccinations’ is the mRNA jab, where your cells are ‘broken into’ and re-instructed to produce billions of microscopic virus clone particles that can stick together anywhere in the vascular system, cleansing organs or the brain. There is NOTHING like this in the history of vaccinations. Now, these virus clones are scientifically […]
By S.D. Wells
The now infamous FRAUDULENT FAUCI was WARNED about forcing Covid jabs on Americans, now look what has happened
Ask yourself why 60 million Americans said “absolutely not” to the mRNA Covid jabs that were all but forced on the rest of the country, and world. How can so many natural health advocates be united on a front so strong that they aren’t even afraid of the entire “pandemic” broadcast on every major network, […]
By S.D. Wells
Thousands of U.S. doctors pedaled Covid JABS for CASH BONUSES making thousands of dollars daily while infecting millions of people with clotting spike proteins
Big Pharma shelled out billions of dollars extra to U.S. doctors who bombarded their patients with experimental, dangerous, vascular-clogging clot shots also known as “Covid vaccinations.” It was a no-holds-barred mass human experiment with gene-mutating injections never even proven safe or effective on animals. The FDA never approved them, and they did NOT qualify for […]
By S.D. Wells
MASS OVER-COUNTING of Covid hospitalizations and deaths key to fear-based coercion that pushed deadly clot shots worldwide
If a person has a head cold, then slips on an icy sidewalk and breaks their arm, when they get to the hospital and check in, are they diagnosed for the head cold as the main reason they are there? What if they catch a superbug, like MRSA, while at the hospital, and die from […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 groups making life difficult for the Biden regime by exposing his lies and contradictions
It is a difficult task to turn the Republic of North America into a Communist country in just a few years, but the Biden Regime is making every conscious effort to do so anyway. If it were up to the crooks and traitors in Washington DC, there would be no Americans who owned guns or […]
By Lance D Johnson
Were deadly covid vaccine lots shipped to red states on purpose? Shocking 196% excess mortality recorded in Florida and Georgia in third quarter of 2021
The Society of Actuaries Research Institute (SOA) gathered data on excess mortality during the covid-19 pandemic (April – December 2020) and during the emergency use covid vaccine rollout (January – September 2021). The report compared Group Term Life Insurance mortality results during 2020 and 2021 to baseline mortality results from a period prior to the […]
By Ethan Huff
CDC, FDA ready to inject children with deadly six-in-one vaccine
Drug giants Merck & Co. and Sanofi are about to unleash a new six-in-one (hexavalent) vaccine for children called Vaxelis that could kill them, and yet the federal government is fully on board. Despite prolific scientific evidence to suggest that Vaxelis is too much for a young immune system to handle, both the Food and […]
By S.D. Wells
American doctors once RECOMMENDED cigarette smoking for pregnant women
Knowing what we all know now about cigarettes, it seems insane that doctors used to recommend smoking to pregnant women, saying it would control their weight gain, calm their nerves, prevent hysteria, help with digestion of foods, and regulate stress. This was all published in books and scripted for advertisements endorsed by medical doctors. How […]
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