03/26/2019 / By JD Heyes
On Friday, special counsel Robert Mueller officially wrapped up his nearly two-year “witch hunt” into allegations that our president “colluded” with Mother Russia to “steal the election” from the most criminally investigated presidential contender ever, Hillary Clinton.
In addition to finding no collusion, Mueller didn’t find any evidence suggesting POTUS Donald Trump “obstructed justice” when he fired FBI Director James Comey.
But of course, Democrats who have spent the past two election cycles feeding “Trump-Russia collusion!” to their increasingly deranged, angry, and unhinged voting base can’t simply let it go at that. Too much at stake, like their reputations. So they won’t let it go.
Rather than accept the findings of Mueller, whom we were told by Democrats for months was an honorable man of integrity when they expected him to find something, anything on the president that could warrant his impeachment, they have instead focused on a few words of his report that they claim justifies their continued investigations into the president.
“The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election,” Attorney General William Barr wrote in a four-page summary of Mueller’s report to Congress.
Quoting the special counsel, Barr continued: “[W]hile this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”
There you have it. Mueller, in the words of National Public Radio, didn’t “take a position” on whether the president attempted to obstruct the investigation by firing Comey (he didn’t; after all, it continued after Comey left, didn’t it?) so Democrats have license now to continue probing, probing, probing…
For anyone keeping score, such as the Washington Free Beacon’s Elizabeth Harrington, Mueller’s probe was extensive — and expensive:
Mueller’s team of 40 FBI agents, and 19 lawyers, which included former attorneys for the Clinton Foundation, issued 2,800 subpoenas, executed 500 search warrants, submitted 230 orders for communication records, and interviewed 500 witnesses, costing taxpayers at least $25 million. In the end, they found no incriminating evidence against the president.
The $25 million figure is believed by some to be a conservative estimate, but whatever the real figure, our guess is that the vast majority of Americans — 95 percent, perhaps? — would consider themselves extremely wealthy if they had that much money in their bank account.
After all is said and done, however, regardless of how the Leftist media and their Democrat allies will spin the Mueller non-findings, the fact is not a single person was indicted, much less convicted, of criminal “collusion” with Russia.
No one.
Democrats bandy about the “number of people” Mueller did indict and convict, but all of them were for crimes unrelated to the central “collusion” theme of his investigation. One campaign official, part-time, short-time foreign policy adviser Carter Page, was even the target of electronic surveillance by our intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies; he was never implicated in any nefarious activity, let along illegal activity. And yet the FISA warrant authorizing the surveillance was sought and renewed four times.
Again, none of that matters because facts have never mattered in this case. The only thing that means anything to the D.C. establishment in on this charade is getting rid of Donald Trump, period. (Related: Partisan Dem hack Jerrold Nadler STILL claims there was ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ after Mueller report.)
The “mainstream” media is just as culpable in all of this, by the way. The charlatans, liars, and propagandists who pretend to be “journalists” have either known about the hoax from the outset and allowed themselves to be used as pawns in the game, or were never curious enough to ask the right people tough questions about information that was demonstrably false.
Though POTUS Trump has correctly described the Washington media as “enemies of the people,” the Deep State apparatus that continues to work to depose him should be viewed similarly.
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Tagged Under: Attorney General, DC establishment, deep state, democrats, exonerated, hoax, James Comey, leftist media, mainstream media, Mueller report, President Trump, Robert Mueller, Russian collusion hoax, Spygate, Washington journalists, White House, William Barr