10/03/2019 / By JD Heyes
Before Democrats became consumed with impeaching President Donald Trump and overturning the results of the 2016 election, they were engaged in pushing other fake ‘emergencies’ and legislative falsehoods.
Like the claim that we need more gun control because gun crime/gun violence is ‘out of control’ and at ‘all-time highs.’
As before, the Donkey Party used mass shootings which were hyped by their propagandists in the establishment media, to ‘prove’ that things like gun bans and confiscations were vital to the safety and security of all Americans.
Republicans and constitutionalists, meanwhile, argued that Democrat claims of rising violence were false fear mongering meant to sway a gullible public. Now, GOP counter-claims have been borne out by actual evidence and hard data from the FBI.
The newly-release [sic] FBI Uniform Crime Report for 2018 says violent crime is down overall 3.3 percent from 2017, and the number of reported homicides involving firearms also declined, leading the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to ask Democrats and the gun prohibition lobby: “What ‘gun violence’ epidemic are you talking about?”
In particular, the FBI notes that last year there were 14,123 murders in the U.S., which is down from 15,129 reported the previous year (2017). In 2018, there were an estimated 10,256 killings involving guns, down from the 10,982 the FBI recorded in 2017.
While any murder using any form of weapon or object is a horrendous thing, in a country of 320 million people with an estimated 80 million-110 million gun owners, that figure is a paltry amount. What’s more, these murders are concentrated in historically high-crime areas like portions of Chicago and other major cities. (Related: As usual, Democrats are using the synagogue shootings to call for…gun control.)
“So, the number of murders has gone down,” CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb noted . “Yet, in order to create the impression that this country is awash in violent crime, gun grabbers routinely combine the number of homicides and suicides, plus accidental deaths and call them all acts of so-called ‘gun violence.’ It is deliberately misleading and downright dishonest. Why are Democrats and the gun prohibition lobby lying about this?”
He added it was “important to note” that in 2018, according to the FBI, “only 297 murders are known to have been committed with rifles of any kind, yet Democrats — including all of those now running for president — want to ban modern semi-automatic sporting rifles, which they repeatedly mischaracterize as ‘weapons of war.’
“Millions of honest citizens own such firearms,” Gottlieb continued, “and they have harmed nobody.”
Yes, the ‘assault weapon’ homicides draw a lot of outsized attention because the blatantly dishonest Washington media over-hypes mass-shooting incidents (especially if they can blame them on “right-wing” “white supremacists”) while they lie about the actual statistics — because they are all just Democrats with press passes.
Gottlieb says we ought to have an “honest” open discussion about gun violence.
“Let’s leave the emotions and theatrics outside. It’s time for the gun prohibition lobby, and their Democrat allies, to explain why they want to unilaterally disarm this country’s law-abiding gun owners,” he said, as noted by Ammoland.
“Why are they determined to penalize every gun owner for crimes they didn’t commit? Why do they treat the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms as a government-regulated privilege? The right to keep and bear arms predates the Second Amendment.”
Of course, Democrats aren’t about to have an honest debate and their propagandist media isn’t about to accurately report the FBI’s latest statistics because to do so would completely debunk the lies that gun violence is ‘soaring’ and ‘assault weapons’ are to blame.
So much of the country will remain mentally incapable of having a serious discussion about guns because they’ve been ill-informed. Pathetic.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: assault weapons, crime stats, deception, democrats, dishonest, disinfo, distortion, FBI, fbi stats, gun confiscation, gun control, gun crime, gun violence, lies, mainstream media, misinformation, misleading, propaganda, Second Amendment, shootings, statistics, violence, violent crime, Washington media