09/25/2023 / By Ethan Huff
In one of the most cringeworthy interviews he has ever given, former President Donald Trump just about killed his chances of reelection in 2024 by rambling on and on to Megyn Kelly about all the lives he supposedly “saved” during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic” while dodging pretty much every question she asked about why his administration supported the lockdowns and mask mandates.
While it is technically true that the Trump administration itself never imposed a nationwide vaccine mandate – it let Fauci and later Joe Biden do that instead – Trump’s people did lock down the country for a short time at the beginning of the “pandemic,” as well as push mask mandates. And what about Operation Warp Speed and the PREP Act, both of which were used by the Trump administration to unleash the jab hell that the world is now having to endure.
In typical form, Trump behaved rudely and immaturely to Kelly, who asked a few hard-hitting questions that she received from viewers of hers who support Trump. The number-one question they all want to know, according to Kelly, is why did Trump launch Operation Warp Speed in the first place and continue to push the shots again and again in media appearances years after the jabs had proven to be unsafe.
(Related: Even after it was already widely known by everyone that COVID injections are killing people left and right, “father of the vaccine” Trump continued to triple down on urging Americans to take his jabs.)
“I asked my audience: ‘what would you like me to ask President Trump?’ These are your fans – this is the number-one question that they wanted me to ask you: that you shut the country down for six weeks in Spring 2020, and Operation Warp Speed,” Kelly started to ask Trump before he quickly cut her off and started rambling again.
“Excuse me! Alright? I didn’t really …,” Trump said as Kelly took back control of the interview.
“Let me, let me ask the question,” she said. “This is my audience’s question and I’ve got to get it out: Operation Warp Speed, though, that was on the vaccines. They were rushed through, and they have helped but also hurt a lot of people. And your White House actually supported mask mandates – so wouldn’t you like a do-over on any of that?”
“Look, when this came in, nobody knew what the hell it was,” Trump responded. “It sounded like an ancient, you know, a pandemic. You thought that was from 200 years ago or from 1917. We never thought you’d have a pandemic. Nobody had any idea – we got word that bad things were happening in China right around the Wuhan clinic, and I was the one who said it was in the Wuhan clinic.”
The interview only further degraded as Trump emphasized over and over again that he should be credited, in his own mind, for “letting the governors run their states,” as if Trump was some kind of appointed dictator over the country who grants individual states their own rights.
As if this is not bad enough, when Kelly asked Trump why he proceeded to give Fauci a presidential commendation for his mishandling of COVID, Trump denied that he ever did such a thing, claiming that:
“Uh … I don’t know who gave him the commendation. Somebody probably handed him a commendation.”
In other words, in Trump’s view, he did absolutely nothing wrong during or after COVID, or really at any point during his entire presidency. See for yourself in the interview footage below:
To learn more about Trump’s bid for the presidency in 2024, visit Trump.news.
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Tagged Under:
COVID, covid-19, deception, Donald Trump, Fact Check, Fauci, gaslighting, lockdowns, Megyn Kelly, pandemic, Tony Fauci, Trump
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