12/11/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Believe it or not, the most dangerous form of “medicine” in the world is the kind that’s injected directly into muscle tissue, bypassing the three main defense systems the body has against incoming pathogens. The human immune system is an amazing machine, and its first line of defense includes the skin, the digestive tract, and the lungs. Yet, vaccines bypass all of these, and the ingredients used to manufacture them, well, if you really knew, you would just say “no” to every single one of them. Big Pharma knows, and they know all about the irreversible damage done by injecting them, and that’s why they have their own built-in defense system – immunity to lawsuits.
If a parent buys an infant a teething toy and that child chokes to death because part of the toy was manufactured improperly and detaches in the child’s mouth, the parents of that child will most certainly sue the manufacturers of that toy, and most likely win in court and be compensated millions of dollars for their loss. If the child somehow survives but incurs hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills, because that kid now has to have round-the-clock care to function for the rest of its life, the manufacturer of the toy will have to pay those bills too. That’s just how the legal system in America works, when it works.
Then there are vaccines, the most dangerous and deadly medical experiments on the face of the earth. Vaccines are somehow allowed to contain the most toxic elements on earth, that certain health and environmental agencies warn humans against consuming or breathing in, but still, they’re used to manufacture “disease preventing” injections. Vaccines are one hundred percent faith-based medicine, with no proof that they prevent disease, prevent the spread of disease, or prevent death from disease. It’s all guesswork, but the FDA and CDC would have everyone believe otherwise.
In 1986, Congress passed a law so Americans couldn’t sue pharma companies that make deadly vaccines. The lobbyists for these vaccine manufacturers sit down with congressmen and work out deals (under the table), and those CEOs become heads of those agencies, and then later go right back to work for the pharma companies they came from. It’s a revolving door of corruption, and it’s been going on since the inception of the vaccine industrial complex.
Even if a perfectly healthy child gets several vaccines one day and dies that day, most parents will not win any money in the secretive vaccine court, that’s loaded up with pharma-fed “judges” who side with the vaccine manufacturers. There’s a taxpayer funded slush fund used for a few cases, just so they can say it’s possible to get compensation.
Vaccine manufacturers routinely use the deadliest ingredients to make vaccines, including mRNA technology, embalming fluid, monosodium glutamate, aluminum, mercury, human abortion cells, pig viruses and infected kidney cells from monkeys. All of this is supposed to conjure up a massive immune system reaction so the body will later recognize the pathogens and be more prepared to defend against them. That’s the theory, but the price paid for injecting these deathly concoctions is off the charts, and it’s next to impossible to be compensated for injuries or death caused by them.
In 2011, the Supreme Court strengthened pharma’s protection against lawsuits, stating that “design defects” could not be part of a lawsuit, since that loophole was slipping through the cracks and people had found a way to still sue vaccine manufacturers. The insidious U.S. government, in bed with Big Pharma, wasn’t having any of that.
Sick and maimed children is one of the biggest cash cows for Western Medicine, and this corrupt business is well-protected by the vaccine cartel and the CDC (Centers for Disease Continuance). All risks of vaccines are covered up with fake slogans that all medical doctors are instructed to repeat to their patients, claiming “safe and effective” over and over until the questioning patients shut up and accept it.
In conclusion, vaccines are supposed to produce immunity or boost it, not be immune to lawsuits for causing health damage and death. Let’s hope Trump follows through with his aim to fix this broken system, along with RFK Jr.’s help. Bookmark Vaccines.news to your favorite independent websites for updates on Long-Vax-Syndrome that’s sweeping the nation, while nobody can sue the vaccine manufacturers for even a single penny over it. The best immunity a vaccine can give you is if you never get jabbed in the first place.
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Tagged Under:
big government, Big Pharma, Collusion, conspiracy, corruption, deadly vaccines, death jabs, dirty mrna, dirty vaccines, Medical Tyranny, medical violence, money supply, pharma fraud, pharma immunity, RFKJr, science deception, sue pharma, sue vaccines, Trump, vaccine immunity, vaccine lawsuit
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